TeaneckShuls E-mail Policy Reminder

The primary goal of the list is to be an effective tool in the building and maintenance of our community. Although the following rules are far from perfect, and we don't claim perfection in administering the list, the rules below are our best-intentioned attempt to keep the list running smoothly and to keep as many people involved with the list as possible. There are judgment calls involved and we do our best. We are, of course, open to suggestions and comments. Remember that we're volunteers. 

1) Appropriate Emails -
The following are examples of emails that would ALWAYS BE APPROPRIATE: (i) community events; (ii) shul events of interest; (iii) shiva notices; (iv) community blood drives; etc.
The following are examples of emails that would GENERALLY BE APPROPRIATE: (i) houses for sale in the Teaneck area; (ii) garage sales; (iii) lost and found; (iv) information about softball leagues; (v) parlor meeting at your house; (vi) housekeeper requests; (vii) carpool requests; (viii) requests for community action on behalf of Israel; (ix) short targeted letter-writing campaigns for Israel; etc.
The following are examples of emails that would NEVER BE APPROPRIATE: (i) jokes; (ii) auctions; (iii) offensive or disparaging emails; (iv) Lashon Hara; and (v) anything illegal. 
If you are inquiring about a store, service, professional, etc., please ask only for first-hand experience (not what they may have heard from others) and ask only if relevant and necessary (you should consult a rav with any issues in order to avoid lashon hara). 
We reserve the right to reject any message at any time. 

2) Repeat Posts -
Please do not repeat posts, except as follows: (i) you can repeat a post after a month; (ii) in the case of sale of a home or where there is a material change in price of an item, you can repeat a post after 2 weeks; (iii) community-wide or local shul and yeshiva events can be posted once every 2 weeks; (iv) shul bulletins can be sent weekly; and (v) business solicitations should only be sent during the "business week" once every 3 months (with certain exceptions as set forth below).

3) Business Ads on TeaneckShuls -
We generally discourage business solicitations on teaneckshuls, and instead have the Goods & Services listing for that purpose. (Send any business you want included on the Goods & Services listing - which is at )

However, we have a "business week", which is a one week period about every 3 months (tentatively, the last week of February, May, August and November) , where business ads and home business ads would be permitted with the following caveats: (i) you can post your own business if you live in the Teaneck area, or your business is located in the Teaneck area; (ii) you cannot post a business for a friend (unless they are an immediate family member); (iii) the business must be one that would be of use to a significant number of our Teaneck members; (iv) the business ad must be 50 words or less (link to your website for more info) and should clearly indicate “business week” and the type of business in the subject line; and (v) you can only post the ad once during the "business week" (no more than twice in total if you have multiple separate businesses).

Business ads would include, e.g., ads for professionals, ads for stores, ads for businesses conducted from a home office, tutoring, bar mitzvah lessons, music lessons, dance lessons, sales of snoods, children's clothing, flowers, etc.

Business ads can be sent directly to

We have done away with the separate "informal home business week."  Informal home business should be posted during the regular business week.

We continue to allow posts of change of address of a business or notice of an opening of a new business in town at any time (not only during "business week").

General posts that would be permitted at any time.  General posts that would be permitted at any time (w/ repeats not more than once a month) would include items that are not a business or home business, houses for sale by owner or broker (brokers are a special case b/c otherwise email lists could have a significant adverse impact on their business), school registrations (even if for profit because of the time-sensitive nature of posts; see next paragraph), playgroups (also b/c of time sensitive nature), postings looking for full-time employment, postings looking to place or find a housekeeper, ads for camps or backyard camps (time-sensitive), ads for summer jobs (time sensitive), ads for dance & art & swimming lessons for summer camp (time-sensitive), ad to shovel snow, ad to baby-sit, certain sales by informal home business that for specific reasons cannot wait till next business week, notice of sukkah in restaurant, etc.

Time-Sensitive Business Posts.  We do, at our discretion, allow posts in-between business weeks if there is a unique time-sensitive urgency (for example, art classes being given before the next business week, etc.)  However, if you do take advantage of this, you would likely not be permitted to advertise it in the next business week.

Real Estate.  See above regarding frequency of real estate posts.  Ads for houses or apartments for sale or for rent must be in the Teaneck area.  There are a few exceptions, such as short-term vacation rentals (e.g., in Israel), student apartments to share at local areas with a lot of Teaneck students (basic idea is we allow posts that affect a  significant number of our Teaneck members who are not moving out).

If you are in doubt, ask one of the moderators.

4) Tickets to Events - Postings of tickets to events for sale cannot be sent more frequently than once every two weeks even if they are for different events and even if you are not a ticket broker.  All postings for tickets sales must state the asking price, which may not be more than face value plus ticketmaster charges (if any). Any statement to the effect of "or best offer" can only mean "best offer below face value".  Scalping of tickets on the list is not permitted.

5) Reply to Sender; No Group Thank Yous - Please do not reply to entire list unless it's something extremely important that you would have posted independently. Please do not thank whole group, just senders. Otherwise we'll double the email load.

6) No Views or News -  Views, opinions and news items should not be posted on the teaneckshuls.  (You may be interested in a yahoo group called TeaneckIsrael for forwarded news items.)

7) Political Endorsements - We currently do not allow specific endorsements of political candidates on teaneckshuls.  Reminders to vote, notices of events, notice of a new web site, or similar announcements can generally be posted on teaneckshuls.

8) No All-Caps - Please do not send messages or type subject lines in ALL-CAPS.

9) Subject Lines - Use descriptive subject lines (especially try to use the words “seeking” or “offering” where applicable).  If you reply to a digest, adjust the subject line.

10) Sign Full Name - Please sign your full name in all emails, unless your is obvious from your email address or unless you have a specific security concern.

11) Not everything posted is "kosher" - TeaneckShuls is a community-wide diverse list, and people should not automatically assume that all posts are kosher or are endorsed by the local synagogues.  At the same time, we do ask that you be conscious of the various sensitivities of all our members.  Also, remember that some of the members are children.

12) Dupe TeaneckShulsAnnouncements list - Teaneck community announcements and shiva info should be posted to IN ADDITION TO being posted to this list.  We will attempt to forward important community announcements that were not copied to teaneckshulsAnnouncements.  If you read the teaneckshuls emails there should be no reason to join teaneckshulsAnnouncements (although if you post community announcements you may want to consider joining on a web-only basis).  See for more information.

13) General Information About the List  -
Purpose - is intended for announcements of interest to shul-goers in the Teaneck/Bergenfield vicinity.  (Created Sep 8, 2000.)
To subscribe go to or send a blank email to .
To send an email to the list, address it to   Reply only to sender.
To log into the yahoogroups web page at  you may need a Yahoo ID.  See
For community links go to
For selected teaneckshuls posts see
See more information at


Bryan Alter

Ruthie Levi

Nathan J. Lindenbaum

Chaim Shulman

(To write to all the moderators at once, email )